One thing i would have to conclude: My Internship Experience in Nigeria totally changed my life path and my belief.My name is Chenhao LIu and am from China. Intially, when i got to Nigeria to start my one year internship, challenges rushed to me everyday. First being the problem of communication; the english of african prounciation brought me quite lot of trouble in comprehension. Then the open, liberal social values which is totally opposite to that of Easten Asia, Food of strange taste and smell which greatly broaden my concept in food…True, i was initially overwhelmed by all these challenges, I hesitated, took some time out, then i asked myself the reason for choosing Afirca as my desitnation, but soon I realized that learning to adapt and learn as much as i can would be the best thing for me to do, if i am to benefit from my internship. None of my previous trips can have such huge impact on me like my African intenrship expereince. I had it in AIESEC Port Harcourt, Nigeria, Africa. I worked in three differnt projects/issues in my one year internship.HIV/AIDS (Project ASK), Entrepreneurship (Project YES) and environmental sustainability (Project Clean). This had me endeavoring with other interns and AIESECers, crossing barriers set by language and belief to reach the goals of the project and make sure that we touch lifes… These experiences above infomed me a real touch on the pleasure of being a human. I did my utmost to fulfill my willingness to positively impact my surroudings. I still remember unforgotable snapshots when running project Yes, Ask And clean:The curious eyes of local children, the active debates over enterpreneurship in Yes Seminars… As for the effect, although I knew effect might be slight, I was greatly satisfied because I knew the progress of developing the world relied on micro-endeavor of many contributors rather than that of one man ;thus, I felt fortunate to be a member of those contributors. Members of AIESEC Port Harcourt are an energetic and enterprising group of youths, and they made my stay in Nigeria a very memorable one, they also provided me a platform to contribute my own quoata in changing the world! I would never forget this.
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