Over the years a lot of things have been said about this Pride of Africa some of which are constructive while a lot of others, just baseless. For instance in time past, Nigeria use to have so many teething problems in her election processes and militancy pressure in her Niger Delta region however all these has been duly tackled and grinded to a halt. Thus, the recently concluded national election emerged as the freest and fairest in the history of the country and the militancy pressure had since been successfully put to rest. Presently, the on-going over flocked terrorism attack by the Boko Haram group in the north is gradually phasing out and peace is being restored to distressed zones thereby reaffirming the mandate of the federal government to curb all vices. Fascinatingly, despite the challenges that were on then, Nigeria never seized to host visitors who constantly came in from far and near to explore great opportunities all over the country because they understood the Nigerian spirit which guarantees continual development.
Typical to every country in the world, Nigeria has her own frailties and weaknesses and is constantly working towards the betterment of her society. For instance, Nigeria presently has one of the fastest growing telecommunications market in the world, the second largest economy in Africa and has positioned herself as the 12th largest producer of petroleum in the world and the second largest oil exporter among the OPEC nations (an improvement from seventh position last year) thereby transcending into a significant decline of all forms of evil while on the other hand increasing employment opportunities. Nigeria is blessed with enormous mineral resources some of which include natural gas, coal, bauxite, tantalite, gold, tin, iron ore, limestone, niobium, lead and zinc.
Interestingly, what is more special about Nigeria is not just her striving developmental antecedents but her great people. Nigerians are lovely, passionate and determined people. If you have ever met a true Nigerian then you can attest to this obvious fact. Nigerians have achieved great feats in almost every field of the world today. From Literature where we have Africa’s first Nobel Laureate, to sciences where we have Africa’s greatest scientist of all time, to sports where our male and female teams have recorded great strides, to leadership where we have a good representation across the globe and the success categories goes on and on. Nigerians indeed have an excellent spirit but sadly, the international media has never done any good in portraying these terrific characteristics of ours.
In Nigeria, the biggest student run organization in the world AIESEC is growing rapidly and steadily. So many interns who have participated in our (AIESEC) exchange program have always left words of returning to their new found home – Nigeria. You can check out their recommendations and learn from their experiences following this link http://www.aiesecnigeria.org/experiencenigeria/ and trust me you will marvel. So, as a young person who is determined to achieving good success, we are inviting you to come over to Nigeria and participate in our numerous life changing experience internships and increase your competitiveness. A comprehensive detail of the different projects and work opportunities in our country is available on request. Come experience quality exchanges and classy lifestyle; come experience Nigeria.
Nigeria – Good People, Great Nation.
Blogpost written by Emmanuel Essien
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