

If there is one thing i have come to realize is that we are still babies nestling and suckling mommy's breast and when i say so i say that as a country at large, how old are we i ask someone? reply varies: 100,70,60,50,47,34 and the popular one 51 !!! so now your quickly doing the math in your head and asking how can that be ? how can an old state be called a baby? well its not too hard to decipher let us begin by understanding the growh of a baby, when a child is born there is great joy and jubilation and every body comments and comes to see this child as it is shown to the family liken this to us gaining independence in 1960.the baby feels and rightly thinks he is at the center of the universe that everything belongs to him and fiercely takes full advantage of that fact offering his body to be carried by those he likes best liken that to the formation of the new government and the bilateral relations we started forming with Ghana and the rest countries, the baby feels to be respected and cared by his parents in this case great Britain, at this stage he is ripe for development all is well things are going fine.........then he starts growing. at the age 4 the child begins a new cycle in life that of keeping his parents up by pouring tantrums and annoying games just to keep reassuring himself he has their attention liking this fact to the republic status we get and the first public junta in the north in 1964.he tries to frustrate his parents further by inflicting injuries on himself these continues until he becomes 9 and starts feeling matured and listens to no one well we all know that story in 1970s until he gets to the mid-life crisis stage and changes insert the First coup!!! he is disorganized, confused, emotionally disable and depressed and becomes angry this continues throughout his life cycle unchecked till he erupts enter 2nd and 3rd coup and first civil war and the rest is history.

That analogy was just showing how backward we have come, we were left a failed state and we still remain so as much as we try to kid ourselves we are not, this piece is not to blame anyone but just to lay questions and emphasis on the crux of the matter OUR POLITICAL SYSTEM!!

I am of the humble opinion that we need to check and change the system A full overhaul is needed because the present crops lack the technical know how and vision as well as charisma and planning to lead this country father rather they fatten their bellies and leave incompetent people on the job to continue to deprive us on some basic amenities which we are meant to have, the political kingpins have seen Nigeria as their birthright and hence can do anything on it while we stand by like spectators this people have robbed us clean and simple and have to pay back , if we estimate from 1960-present the level of embezzlement of Government resource it will shock and setback this country in 30 years time because it will cause anarchy our present leaders have shown time without number that they are incapable of meeting to their status quo and devise ways to frighten the polity and the masses, as Abraham Lincoln said leadership is public service you must serve the public and not the other way round instead here we say a totally different case instead we are made to serve this politicos like they ere gods and immortals we see people trampling on each other and cheering them on like they were special if only they knew their fundamental right that binds them as citizens to this country then maybe the story would hv been different but for now i sadly see the results of money brainwash

When our forefathers struggled for independence they did this with the knowledge and hope of a union to defend themselves against the horde and influence of the white man and his unyielding sapping of the natural resources we have what do we see today? the same thing these great men died stopping flourishing everywhere if they were to see this they wil turn in their grave.

This brings me to the question has democracy in any way impacted positively to the socio-economic benefit of the grass root man and has politics in any way helped effect change? this question is a hydra headed monster in itself because it questions the very fundamental of our unity this will as usual be threatened

The fact clearly speaks for itself that since democracy came to stay we have never been poorer thsn now im not a rooter or fan of dictatorship or autocracy or military rule but to a point it provides answers to a point!!! because when an order is carried out it must be obeyed which is the height of discipline, disobedience and ignorance are not taken lightly in this regime, my point as im tryin to lay before you is the fact that if we had a sustainable autocratic style of government and a true democratic leadership factory this country would have been a power house economy it took us 51 long hard and frightful years to wake up from our slumber when the threat of security, poverty and blatant ignorance and corruption has so eaten through the system that one describes her as a dead dog waiting for its last meal , we ask ourselves when these big men travel out as they frequently do dont they see this wonderful systems abroad? dont they feel stupid for not using these wealth for the creation of value changing programmes for the people or are they that self centred?
this question pague my mind continuosly seeing as alll the sectors are shut down and the leaders are clueless on what to do i think enough is enough we need to properly question every government law, decree, bill, proposal to weed out the hidden mechanism of corruption, because the few eggs remaining to lift the face of the system are log-tied with myriads of problems, the system has shut down my advice is for these politicians and big boys to pack their bags and leave this country good bye and god riddance to rubbish, let us not stand idle and vote recklessly our position should be to analyse, fault, reason and dialogue with the other parties on the way foward

My opinion is that until we curb the political system in terms of party affliation switching , tribunals etc. we are stalemate and until these people start giving back to the community there will continue be talks of their treachery and criminal tendencies.

It is of my expert analysis that politics has failed Nigeria for 51 years its high time we stepped in and sieze control to establish a system of intellectual productivity we need a good leader an educated one for that matter no more rulers and managers and inept members we should stop kiddin ourselves the time has come for us to rally round and make the country listen firmly to us.

I hope we can achieve this come 2015 we need leaders not rulers think of your future and others ahead , create a sustainable future today.

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